SolDevelo Blog

Everyday life in IT

Tag: Company events


#1 SolCon conference

 SolDevelo set some completely new goals for the new year to reach. One of them was to organize an external conference for people outside the company and on a much larger scale. 

The first SolDevelo conference

On Thursday, we organized our first Conference or Open Day. We found 5 daredevils willing to present their knowledge in front of the company’s colleagues.

Welcome to SolDevelo Olympics!

This year SolDevelo was celebrating 9th birthday. Since we are the company that vividly promotes a healthy and active lifestyle it is no wonder that also our integrational party had to have something in common with sportsmanship and group competition.

Integration event – Summer 2016

Our integration event? Paintball, quads, rope park, craft custom-made beer, a bonfire, singing… This list could go on and on! See for yourself what fun we had on Friday.

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