Connect for Life/Vxnaid Performance Testing
Discover how the performance testing for Connect for Life/Vxnaid system translates to reliability in critical healthcare environments.
SolDevelo Blog
Discover how the performance testing for Connect for Life/Vxnaid system translates to reliability in critical healthcare environments.
Audere reached out to us to get help with their current project – Navigator – which was about to be released soon.
The solution -PIMS project- is a system based on the Alfresco platform which allows managing the documents uploaded to the system.
The app for health workers that allows real-time feedback on their patients. It allows intensifying the communication between medical workers and patients.
The importance of technology has never been more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now we observe a rising demand for digital technology solutions.
PCMT is actually a set of add-on modules to an industry-leading open-source tool, Akeneo Community Edition. Akeneo, a Product Information Management (PIM) solution, significantly improves product data quality and accuracy while simplifying and accelerating product catalog management.
The Project Catalog Management Tool, an open-source software tool released in January 2020, allows organizations to publish and manage product catalogs.
SolDevelo on a mission to create better access to patients’ insurance information – the Insurance Claim Module open source project.
During the last decades, the term work and life balance has been used so often that it became a banality, and no one really remembers what it exactly means.
The world linked by a unified core code base that accelerates society’s development and improves co-operation in crucial business sectors? Seems like a sci-fi dream? Well, yes, probably a bit. However, the latest project by OpenLMIS, which SolDevelo took an active part in, indicates that this fantasy is not so far fetched at all.
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