openIMIS Performance Testing Results
We’ve conducted a performance audit of openIMIS to find weak spots and areas requiring improvement. Learn the results.
SolDevelo Blog
We’ve conducted a performance audit of openIMIS to find weak spots and areas requiring improvement. Learn the results.
Performance testing assesses a software application’s overall performance, stability, and responsiveness under various scenarios.
We’re always striving for the highest quality and security. Learn how we apply these values in the openIMIS project.
QAlity Plus, Xray, or Zephyr Squad? Find out which test management app for Jira is most suitable for your needs.
Efficiency is all about balance between the time that we have and the progress that
How to set up test management in Jira for free? Test management is an
Why should you care about transparency of your testing? Software testing is a crucial
This is the news you are already familiar with: SolDevelo’s portfolio has been enlarged with
Specification by example is a technique used in agile methodologies to define business requirements by illustrating them using realistic examples instead of abstract statements, such as user stories.
A test case is a definition of all the necessary steps, inputs, conditions, and expected results that allow one to thoroughly test a given feature or case. A definitive advantage of having and maintaining test cases is the ability to standardize what is tested and how it is done.
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