International Rescue Committee – Anti Terrorism Compliance
Anti-Terrorism Compliance – Helps to catch any entity related to terrorism quickly at the start of the financing process.
SolDevelo Blog
Anti-Terrorism Compliance – Helps to catch any entity related to terrorism quickly at the start of the financing process.
Refugee.Info empowers people made vulnerable by man-made crises or natural disasters to address their needs by providing an interactive and accessible platform of accurate and timely resources.
Information portal about emergencies and crisis situations that occur in the world.
OpenLMIS is an open-source web-enabled electronic logistics management information system that serves over 11,000 health facilities across Africa. Its main role is reducing stock inefficiencies and improving health outcomes in an affordable way.
IRC Lebanon was interested in an internal system that would help in the management of refugees that were coming from different countries (mainly from Syria) to Lebanon.
One of our projects for the IRC was about creating a tool which would aggregate and help to pre-calculate huge amounts of data collected by field workers during emergency programs managed by the IRC.
The EBODAC project (Ebola vaccine Deployment, Acceptance, and Compliance) is developing strategies and tools to promote the acceptance and uptake of new Ebola vaccines, to help the right person receive the right vaccine at the right time.
E-learning platform aimed at increasing the knowledge of healthcare workers.
Together with VillageReach, an OpenLMIS community founding member, we worked on a complete remake of the OpenLMIS core software throughout 2016.
OpenMRS team introduced us to Open Web Apps for OpenMRS.
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