Spreadsheet Connector for data aggregation and pre-calculation.


The team implemented the Django web application in accordance with the client’s requirements. We also added multiple ideas of our own to the product. The main feature is the ‘wizard’ application which enables one to create a connector based on the uploaded Excel spreadsheet. Connector acts as a middle-man between ‘raw’ data and calculated data sent to DHIS2. The connector defines the calculation and transformation processing of ‘raw’ data to match data structure in DHIS2. End users are able to use hundreds of calculation combinations and leverage the Python programming language to define complex formulas. We were also responsible for the creation of a simple Open Web App which serves as a plug-in for the DHIS2 platform.Numerous other features were developed, such as the browsing of import history, connector export, and import or cloning the connector definition and external authentication into the DHIS2 user base.

Technologies used

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