How to add hot reload to containerized microservices-based Java applications
Learn how to add hot reload in Java applications. Make changes to the codebase, without the need to stop or restart the entire application.
SolDevelo Blog
Learn how to add hot reload in Java applications. Make changes to the codebase, without the need to stop or restart the entire application.
The solution -PIMS project- is a system based on the Alfresco platform which allows managing the documents uploaded to the system.
The app for health workers that allows real-time feedback on their patients. It allows intensifying the communication between medical workers and patients.
OpenLMIS is an open-source web-enabled electronic logistics management information system that serves over 11,000 health facilities across Africa. Its main role is reducing stock inefficiencies and improving health outcomes in an affordable way.
Kotlin is an open-source statically typed programming language designed by JetBrains. It is object-oriented and supports functional programming features.
This time, ODK Collect was used to help fight with the world crisis which we are facing now: the coronavirus (COVID-19) threat. Inspired by the World Health Organization – Open Data Kit teams digitized WHO’s Minimum Data Set Report Form which is the interim report for confirmed and probable cases.
SolDevelo on a mission to create better access to patients’ insurance information – the Insurance Claim Module open source project.
In the middle of November, we participated in ODK convening 2019 in Seattle.
We went there in 2017 for the first convening and this year we were invited again to help make important decisions about the project we have been working on so hard for the last three years.
The EBODAC project (Ebola vaccine Deployment, Acceptance, and Compliance) is developing strategies and tools to promote the acceptance and uptake of new Ebola vaccines, to help the right person receive the right vaccine at the right time.
E-learning platform aimed at increasing the knowledge of healthcare workers.
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