Welcome to SolDevelo Olympics!

This year SolDevelo was celebrating 9th birthday. Since we are the company that vividly promotes a healthy and active lifestyle it is no wonder that also our integrational party had to have something in common with sportsmanship and group competition. In this case, organizing SolDevelo Olympics turned out to be a great success.

The beginnings aren’t easy and so wasn’t ours. The sky greeted us with a heavy rain which wasn’t very much welcomed that day, even despite the heatwave that we had been experiencing for quite a while. We started the celebration a little anxious with hot sour rye soup or some rural snacks like bread with lard and cucumber.

The water wall was effectively preventing us from leaving safe umbrellas, but not from introductory small talks, for this year we were again integrating accompanied by our closest ones. This little rainy moment was also perfect for tasting our very special beer, designed and personalized just for the occasion by the Brodacz Brewery.


In the meantime, as the rain was slowly fading away, we started to prepare for the real fun that was yet ahead of us. The organizers helped us to create teams representing the following countries: the USA, Columbia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Poland. The first, but not easy task of the groups was to come up with an original battle cry. Be sure, that the participants’ creativity went through the roof.

With this very positive accent and wide grins on our faces, we were finally ready to open our SolDevelo Olympics. What would be Olympics without a colorful parade of national teams or without lightning the Olympic torch and raising the Olympic flag? It would definitely lack some its charm so all those elements must have been present during our SolDevelo Olympics as well!

Luckily the rain stopped quickly, thus our teams were able to move to their first competitions. What were we to face up? Please, check out for yourself:


It looked exactly like a real foosball just human-sized one. Tied hands and limited space were confusing for participants but they still managed to overcome every obstacle and play thrilling games. The fight was hard, but the taste of victory was worth every sacrifice.


You must be wondering how it is possible to make volleyball mega-sized. Well, we were supposed to play with a FITNESS ball (yeah, the one with the diameter of 60 cm) and bounce it using a dedicated cloth that could only be operated by two people collaborating strongly together. One can get really tired here!


Probably everyone remembers the famous jackstraws game, where one must collect as many colorful sticks as possible without moving other sticks. Here the rules were almost the same, the only difference being the force one had to apply in order to pick 2-meter high stick with only two fingers!


Well, to be precise the fun stands for a huge inflatable ball that could contain one person. The person was supposed to run inside the ball and finish a designated route with help of their team members who were navigating the ball by pushing it.

It looked like an easy-peasy competition where all one had to do was running fast and coordinating actions within a group. To be honest, though keeping straight when the rest of a team drives the ball at enormous speed is something you would just have to try out for yourself 😉


Segways are most often associated with security guards who can do their job more effectively thanks to this vehicle. You must know that driving a Segway is not simple at all, especially when you have to perform a tight slalom during your first ride. How good were we?

Integration is supposed to bring people closer together and what can do so better, than the necessity to synchronize movements? That was exactly the skill we had to obtain in the course of the next four activities.


Besides the coordination, we needed quite a strategy here. Every team tried to complete the given distance in their own unique way. What did all groups have in common? 3-person MEGA pants, which were limiting movements significantly! It was an extremely interesting strategic event and an awesome show! Collaboration pays off!


Five team members squeezed on four boxes? Interesting… They had to keep passing the last box to the front of the row and move forwards in order to reach the finish line. Easy? Not so much 😉 Falling or touching the ground were strictly forbidden and the speed mattered of course. We highly recommend this activity for practicing cooperation!


It was an extremely collaborative exercise as well. Lack of movement coordination meant that there was no movement at all 🙂 The team could not have gone far if it didn’t have a common pace and well-thought similarity in actions. We were laughing out loud on this one, see it for yourself!


The last competition didn’t require much physical activity. The team had to navigate a ping-pong ball across the wooden-plank with cheese-like holes all over it and put the ball in the small sag on one end. It was a nice peaceful, group activity, perfect for cooling down after all the demanding exercises.


Since the fight was stiff, three teams (Germany, USA, and Ireland) had to stand up for a playoff. Designated participants juggled with a ball and the team with the highest number of successful bounces won. Germany made it with the number of 7 bounces!

Our motivations to stay dedicated and engaged all the time during the competition were of course fame, glory, the title of SolDevelo Olympics Champions and the medals!

Here are the results of our Olympics:

3rd prize – USA

2nd prize – Germany

1st prize – Columbia (we still wonder if the fact that our President was in this team has something to do with the final results 😉 )

We fought hard thus anyone deserved the prize for devotion, sacrifice, and participation in this rivalry. SolDevelo is happy that our Olympics gained many enthusiastic fans both among adults and children!

We would like to wish all the best to our company in the upcoming year and as excellent and harmonious teams as during our Saturday Olympics!


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