About our greatest and biggest integration event – the 10th Anniversary of SolDevelo.
On THE Friday, 6th day of September, nothing was as usual. Employees with suitcases at work, silent, but perceptible excitement in each of us, we were looking at our watches, waiting the X hour to come. We were preparing for the annual, but this time really special, event – 10th Anniversary of SolDevelo, which was an integration trip at the same time. Organizing itself took us about 4 months to have tied up loose ends.
First of all, we had to pack gadgets into a trunk, or maybe into trunks, because there was a lot of stuff (not counting employees’ luggage) which was not easy. Then we could pack ourselves into the coach/ cars. The journey towards our destination flew by very fast, even though we had a distance of 130 km to make from Gdańsk. Only the last few kilometers, that we drove with the speed of 10km/h on the very rural road caused some impatience as we wanted so badly the party to start.
Finally, after arriving in the right place and registering for each room there was a little bit of time to sightsee the area of the Klekotki Resort and SPA because this one was our destination hotel.
What a great place!
It is beautifully arranged complex in a country style, with classy and climate buildings from several former ages. The whole area is consistent, unique and moving you to another world – peace of mind and body. You could feel this peaceful atmosphere … mixed with upcoming party 😉
After some time we had for changing and familiarizing ourselves with the surroundings, we officially began the 10th Anniversary party. I have to add that the Argentum Event agency was taking care of us and our party all the time. Friday’s entertainment was chilling with employees and their families (because our yearly integration events take place with the participation of families) by the barbecue and bonfire. The greatest thing was that the gadgets we spread before among employees and their families were extremely useful that evening!
The key element of the evening was the Question and Answer session. People cross-examined with participants’ questions were our bosses. Krystian and Jakub had a hard nut to crack because they faced questions they hadn’t known before the event, and therefore couldn’t have planned the answers ahead. As a result, the session proved to be both a success and a fun time.
This part was prepared to last for about 40 minutes (maximum), but it took over 1,5 hours! And nobody was bored 🙂
Afterward, we spent time with each other until the late-night (or morning) hours.
Day 2.
Our only duty on Saturday morning was to get up and eat a prepared breakfast. Oh yes… there was also a second possible duty- to try to look as if nothing happened yesterday 😉 We started this day from having some free time. Fortunately, we could pick from many available activities: from hours of playing tennis, mini-golf, cycling, walking, through water sports such as kayaking or boating, to lazier things such as board games, cards, lying on sunbeds and just talking to others.
The first attraction for an afternoon in Klekotki was Goldberg’s Machine.
Its goal is to build a machine that will lead small ball through all parts of the construction from the first stage to the last. But! All the fun is that we were divided into 6 groups and we couldn’t communicate with other stands! The fun consumed us so much, that we spent over 3 hours on building and designing the smartest possible mechanism which would guarantee that our ball reaches its destination in a flowless manner! And none of the constructors gave up! What was the result? A genius, creative machine full of ideas, patents, parts, technology, and heart! Even I wasn’t expecting such an incredible outcome!
But.. did it work? See for yourself.
The second and main part of the day, and even the whole trip, was a big party in the evening.
We started gently with a buffet meal and began to celebrate the 10th anniversary as it should be. The Presidents awarded people for the longest period of work and those with the largest number of certificates achieved. We guess, awarded people liked received statuettes and shiny champagne with gold.
After SolDevelo’s Awards Gala we could participate in one of the funniest contests of our history- ‘Family Feud and ‘What’s the Melody’. The level of our fun is indescribable. 3 hours of constant laughing, joking, applauding and a really friendly atmosphere! The idea of mixed teams was (with employees and their plus-ones) the best we could have done for these games purposes.
Family Feud – is one of the family games, where we had to guess at the key to respondents’ answers. We had to name our families (teams) first, so we had families’ surnames like “Bluescreen”, “…yyyy….”, “Pink Panthers”, “Flinstones”, “White power” (it was connected with their white table), and “Windstorms”. The second phase of the game was to press the button called “mushroom”, to take away the opportunity to answer from the opposing team. The winner family member was required to respond to a question and hit one of the possible answers selected before by the anonymous respondents. The goal was to collect over 300 points.
The second contest was “What’s the Melody”. The rule is to guess the song by its first tunes. As it comes out- we have really different music tastes, but it was in plus in this game. Knowledge of a variety of musical genres was necessary here. Besides points for the correct answer, there was a possibility to gain some extra scores for dancing or singing the chorus or even the whole song. Of course, teams dared to reach for bonus point each round 😉

Summarizing both contests of SolDevelo quiz edition, the “Flinstones” family won 🙂

After that, in great moods focused on fun, we took dozens of polaroid and standard, digital pictures with masks and costumes or without them, but the most surprising was dancing till the very morning 🙂
Sunday wasn’t gracious for everyone 😉 we had to pack to coach or cars again and leave Klekotki. With plenty of fun, memories, gadgets, and photos we came back to Tricity, to the regular life. What is the most satisfactory? That some of us made new friendships, and since the 10th Anniversary event SolDevelo seems to be a more integrated company.
Such trips should be organized more often, definitely!