Do you know the recipe for a successful integration event? Because we seem to know 🙂
On a sunny Saturday, September 3, the long-awaited SolDevelo Summer Party was held. The venue of the integration event was the green areas of Adventure Park in Gdynia Kolibki. It was a great joy to see the high attendance – we met in a group of about 70 people, including both employees and accompanying persons.
The party team is already in place
Taking advantage of the good weather, we started having fun in the Adventure Zone just after 4pm. We wanted to make sure that the event program included something for everyone – and we succeeded! At our disposal were adrenaline-boosting activities such as: paintball, shooting range, off-road rides, and a zip-line.
Happy and unaware of how much effort awaits us in a moment 😉
In addition, it was possible to try one’s hand at calmer picnic competitions, such as hammering a nail into a log and solving puzzles, which brought us a lot of laughter. Based on spontaneous feedback, participants liked off-road and paintball the most, although the shooting range and zip-line also had quite a few staunch enthusiasts.
Life is for adventures…
…and for fun 🙂
Another highlight of the event was a barbecue (everything tastes better in the fresh air, doesn’t it?). After the feast we played an indoor quiz. There were 3 competing teams, supported and applauded by the audience. The quiz was titled “What do you know about… SolDevelo?” It included questions about the company and its history, employees and office. Going into this competition, participants needed to not only know the company’s history inside out, but also have the ability to estimate accurately. A dose of luck was just as helpful! First place went to the Old Dogs team, ahead of the Young Boars and Young Wolves 🙂
The audience awaiting the reveal of the quiz winners
The party continued until midnight on the dance floor, at the ping-pong table and around the bonfire – everywhere in a pleasant atmosphere 😉 It was a great celebration of the end of summer. Everything worked out – the weather, the venue, the entertainment, but most importantly: the people. Once again, thank you for your presence and great fun!
What a vibe!