SolDevelo Blog

Everyday life in IT

Category: SolDevelo


SolDevelo Tech Talk #5 – React Native

React Native is a cutting-edge technology that enables building mobile apps (but not only!) with the use of JavaScript. React Native is an open-source project held by Facebook, supported by companies such as Microsoft, Airbnb, and others.

SolDevelo Tech Talk #4

We discussed Scrum and analysed the ways in which we can effectively employ it in our projects. For some of us, it was good revision before the PSM exam.

Integration event – Summer 2016

Our integration event? Paintball, quads, rope park, craft custom-made beer, a bonfire, singing… This list could go on and on! See for yourself what fun we had on Friday.

The office in Seattle

We are proud to announce that on Friday, 15 July 2016, we opened our first foreign office. It is situated in Seattle.

SolDevelo Tech Talk #3

Today our software tester, Ania, described to us the issues related to computer science in medicine and medicine in computer science.

5th Anniversary

Today we celebrate the 5th Anniversary of our company!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our success.



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