How Implementing Scrum in a Hybrid environment may impact Team’s effectiveness
The case study was prepared in collaboration with Dragos Dobre from Swiss TPH. Authors: Justyna
SolDevelo Blog
The case study was prepared in collaboration with Dragos Dobre from Swiss TPH. Authors: Justyna
The Product Backlog is a list of functionalities, ideas, technical requirements, enhancements, and faults maintained and managed by the Product Owner. This is the only thing considered during Sprint Planning.
The Scrum Master isn’t a role for everyone. To perform this function well, one needs to be a person with comprehensive skills — both technical and soft ones. Besides being the framework’s watchman, he should be also a trusted leader to his team.
The Scrum Team members mutually respect their independence and competency. Everyone undertakes to achieve the goals of the Scrum Team.
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