#OMRS2020 Internships – about the program

How to gain coding experience and help others? SolDevelo together with the SolDevelo Social Impact Foundation has created an internship for programmers from all over Poland, which takes place on the platform of one of the largest open-source programs – OpenMRS. The goal of the platform is to create medical software for hospitals and clinics in developing countries.The program is aimed at programmers, IT and related students, and all those who want to develop their programming skills.


Not only for computer geeks


Zuzanna Perkowska – SolDevelo Social Impact Foundation:

This is the first edition of the program, but we already know that we would like to organize another in the next year. The purpose of the internship is to enable young people to gain experience and develop their programming skills in an international environment, but also to enable them to enter into development teams and work with a large amount of new code.

For this year’s edition, we have also invited people not professionally related to programming to broaden their horizons and try their hand at international and intercultural approaches.

We know that many people change their minds and start the adventure with programming, so we didn’t want to close ourselves to anyone! It’s nice to work with people who have different experiences and are willing to share them, even though they may not be useful at first.

At SolDevelo, we also have people who did not choose the developer or tester path immediately but are currently doing great in this environment.


The Idea


Zuzanna Perkowska – SolDevelo Social Impact Foundation:

Every year SolDevelo organized stationary internships inviting students to their projects. However, this year it was not possible due to the coronavirus pandemic. Hence the idea to implement a remote project run by the Foundation.

For many years, as a company, we have been cooperating with OpenMRS (Open Medical Record System) – a medical open-source, created mainly for developing countries. We are very closely associated with this project as one of the main developers of the software. We want to develop these projects, promote them worldwide, and encourage other companies to join the initiative and support the open-source community. Organizing an internship among the OpenMRS community will be an opportunity for participants to develop technical skills, gain experience under the guidance of professional programmers, learn the principles of the project and meet many people from the IT world. For the OpenMRS community itself, this internship is an opportunity to gain long-term contributors and “launch” many projects.


How it’s working?


Our successful cooperation, excellent knowledge of the program from the inside out, friendly environment, and a well-coordinated international community made us focus on the OpenMRS as the main point of our internship and place of its implementation. It is not us, the participants themselves create tasks to be performed, and the community of experienced developers evaluates them and approves the written code or changes made to it – explains Zuzanna Perkowska.


By implementing the internship program in this form, we also want to support the OpenMRS community. All those active there are pro bono, devote their time, valuable knowledge, and skills to help others – those in need of such solutions. The OpenMRS initiative notes a noticeable lack of developers willing to spend their time working on the code and tweaking it a bit. What our participants do on the community forum is a great contribution to the program, but also help and support, which is difficult to provide on such a large scale daily – she adds.


The program will last until the end of October 2020. However, we already know that the internship will be a success as participants begin to gain more and more experience and achieve the required level of programming – dev2.


Congratulations and we wish you continued success!


More articles about the #OMRSInternship2020 you will find at SolDevelo Social Impact Foundation blog:  https://soldevelofoundation.org/blog-posts/


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