ISO 9001 for SolDevelo!
Issued by International Organization for Standardization ISO 9001 is indeed the most popular quality management standard (with over one million companies certified in 170 countries) which ensures that the procedures in an organization are designed towards the efficient delivery of high-quality services as well as customers’ satisfaction. The entire process of certificating to the norm ISO 9001 edition enabled us to review and strengthen our core values by supporting them with the license that is recognized and respected worldwide.
7 principles ISO 9001 according to SolDevelo
The ISO norm contains 7 crucial principles. Their implementation is meant to set a clear path to keeping all the vital areas of the company’s activities well-organized, effective, and professional on a daily bases. When it comes to us, we quickly came to an understanding that rules encapsulated by ISO 9001 consist of our original approach:
Our main goal is to maintain customer focus (1st ISO principle) in order to keep our clients and partners satisfied with the quality of delivered solutions. We have only been able to aim this high thanks to our leadership (2nd ) standards promoting the culture of trust and integrity within our organization. Setting such criteria has enabled the engagement of people (3rd ) to emerge also because of a clear and open dialogue regarding our shared values and quality objectives. Keeping all the parties engaged is only possible when the relationships (7th ) are well cared for, which is why in SolDevelo we have been putting lots of effort in polishing the effectiveness of both internal and external communication. We are always ready to learn and upgrade – improvement (5th ) is something that drives us. Adopting a process approach (4th ) made us much more aware of potential risks and opportunities in our work. Introducing innovative solutions that assist with process management and data monitoring has been really helpful in terms of evidence-based decision making (6th ).
ISO means a lot
We believe that embracing those rules and emphasizing their significance in SolDevelo makes us even more reliable to our partners. We have always been concentrated on providing our clients with the best experience possible, stressing out the importance of customer focus. Acquiring the ISO 9001 certificate sends a clear message about our working environment being an encouraging, improvement supporting and client-focused place enhancing high-quality service. It also helped us realize where the organizational self-development is still needed so we can keep going until we reach the very perfection.