QAlity – Design to increase testing transparency in your Team
QAlity offers direct access not only to preview Test Cases in your Jira issues but also to execute crucial testing actions from there.
SolDevelo Blog
QAlity offers direct access not only to preview Test Cases in your Jira issues but also to execute crucial testing actions from there.
Since training programmes designed for growing our skills have already become one of SolDevelo core values, the next step should be to make every-day-learning a habit and therefore a really casual, team-building experience.
The story which began just then became the subject of our #8 Tech Talk devoted to the great success of Labor Projects – a result of a fruitful cooperation between the non-profit enterprise Good World Solutions and our SolDevelo team.
For some people there is nothing so very exciting about constant learning of how to use new technological tools. How much more software could you really need to perform jour job quite effectively, right? At SolDevelo though, the sky seems to be the only limit when it comes to improving one’s technological literacy.
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